Buy Apex Legends Badges
Apex Legends has a large amount of badges that players need to unlock, there are many badges, and we understand the effort it takes to unlock. At PlayerBoost we understand that players may not have the time it takes, spending countless hours grinding to achieve the 20 kills or 4K damage badge, or any other badge. This is why PlayerBoost created our collection of Apex Legends boosting services.
PlayerBoost’s professionals are some of the best players from all around the world that have the skills necessary to complete your Apex Legends boost. They have achieved all badges on multiple legends in their own gameplay and can now help you achieve the same. PlayerBoost can gain you any badge on any legend you want. All platforms, PC, XBOX, and PS4 are available and there is no badge too hard for us.
PlayerBoost offers a fast, affordable, and safe way to unlock badges in Apex Legends with our Apex professionals that serve on all platforms and regions.
What are Apex Legend's Badges?
You can unlock any of these badges with any legend you desire.
Assassin I: Play 5 games with 5 or more kills.
Assassin II: Play 15 games with 5 or more kills.
Assassin III: Play 50 games with 5 or more kills.
Assassin IV: Play 100 games with 5 or more kills.
Apex Predator: Win a game while being the Kill Leader.
Deadeye: Get the last kill of a game.
Double Duty: Play 100 games with 5 or more kills.
Flawless Victory I: Win a game where no one in the squad dies during the match.
Flawless Victory II: Win a game where no one in the squad gets knocked down during the match.
Headshot Hotshot: Win a game with 5 headshot kills.
Hot Streak: Win 2 games in a row as the same legend.
No One Left Behind: Respawn both teammates in the same game.
Rapid Elimination: Down 4 enemies within 20 seconds.
Reinforcement Recall: Kill someone within 10 seconds of them landing from a respawn dropship.
Shot Caller: Win a game as the Jumpmaster.
Squad Wipe: Kill all 3 members of an enemy squad.
The Legacy Continues: Win a game where your full squad was alive at the end.
Triple Triple: Kill all 3 members of 3 squads in the same match.
[Legend]'s Wake: Kill at least 20 enemies in one game.
[Legend]'s Wrath I: Deal 2,000 damage in a single game.
[Legend]'s Wrath II: Deal 2,500 damage in a single game.
[Legend]'s Wrath III: Deal 3,000 damage in a single game.
[Legend]'s Wrath IV: Deal 4,000 damage in a single game.
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Yes it is completely safe, We use VPNs and other softwares to replicate clients IP addresses when logging in to avoid flagging and make it appear as if they’re normally logging into their own accounts to complete their daily activity.
We don’t not share any of our clients information with any other 3rd party companies, All information is deleted from our database when order is completed.
All of our boosters are trained and tested before working with us they’re contracted to complete the job as promised without tempering with anything from our clients accounts, Boosters are monitored by our admins throughout the whole order process to make sure everything is in good standing.
We forbid the use of any hacks, cheats, cheese, win trading or speed runs within our company, We value our name and reputation as a leading site in the boosting industry, You can view your stats or even watch them play on a private stream for reassurance.