Stasis Subclass Upgrades
In Destiny 2, the new DLC, Beyond Light introduces us to a new subclass called Stasis. This new subclass lets our Guardians utilize the Darkness for the first time! The subclass is very focused around freezing, shattering or slowing enemies making it the most dominant subclass in the PvP crucible playlist! Not only that, but it is also very good in PvE activities.
The most shocking thing about this subclass is the ability to customize it, giving us Guardians a chance to build around our playstyle! The subclass itself will require a bit of a grind to unlock for each character. It involves doing tasks such as completing quests.
We are also introduced to Aspects and Fragments, something we haven’t had before. Those will also require a bit of a grind to unlock. The Aspects are class-specific while the Fragments are class-wide. So get ready to unlock these subclasses and see for yourself!
Unlocking Aspect Upgrades
Iceflare Bolts:

Activate while midair to quickly descend and shatter nearby targets on impact. (For hunters only)

Winter’s Shroud
Dodging slows nearby targets.
Tectonic Harvest
Shattering a [Stasis] Stasis crystal creates a [Stasis] Stasis shard. This shard grants melee energy when picked up by you or your allies.
Casting your Rift generates a shockwave that freezes nearby combatants.
Grim Harvest
Defeating slowed or frozen combatants creates [Stasis] Stasis shards.
Howl of the Storm
While sliding, activate your charged melee ability to launch a wave of [Stasis] Stasis energy forward that freezes targets and creates [Stasis] Stasis crystals.
Bleak Watcher
Press and hold the grenade button to convert your grenade into a [Stasis] Stasis turret that fires slowing projectiles at nearby targets.
Touch of Winter
Diamond Lance
Glacial Harvest
Freezing targets creates [Stasis] Stasis shards around the frozen targets.
Unlocking Grenades
Duskfield Grenade:

Coldsnap Grenade:

Unlocking Fragment Upgrades
The completion of the Exo’s Stranger Weekly Fragment Quests in either Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit will unlock these useful fragments and enhance your Stasis subclass even more. Fragments are used to modify your abilities.They are shared across all stasis subclasses. You are only able to unlock 2 fragments of your choice per week when you complete the quest.Rewards
Whispering of Hedrons:
Gain a bonus to weapon damage after freezing a target with Stasis.
Whisper of Bonds:
Defeating frozen targets with weapons grants you Super energy.
Whisper of Fissures:
Increases the damage and size of the burst of Stasis.
Whisper of Durance:
Slow from your abilities lasts longer. For those abilities that linger, their duration will also increase.
Whisper of Refraction:
Defeating slowed or frozen targets grants you class ability energy
Whisper of Fissures:
Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate.
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