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How to Complete the Vault of Glass Raid?

What is Vault of Glass?
Vault of Glass is a returning raid from Destiny 1, specifically, the first raid in the history of Destiny. It features some of the most iconic weapons from the franchise featuring drops like the Fatebringer hand cannon, Found Verdict shotgun, and Vex Mythoclast exotic fusion rifle. Considered by some as the best raid in franchise history, Vault of Glass features intricate and complex encounters showcasing some of the best of the Destiny raiding experience.
What are the requirements for Vault of Glass?
Vault of Glass is an entirely free-to-play raid, meaning it can be accessed without any in-game purchases. All you need is to have the game downloaded from your platform’s store. As far as in-game requirements, the final boss, Atheon, sports a power level of 1320, meaning you want to go in at a minimum of 1300 power level, otherwise it will be a struggle.
How do you complete Vault of the Glass?
The Vault of Glass raid is divided into seven notable sections: The opening encounter commonly referred to as Plates, Confluxes, Oracles, Templar, the Gorgon’s Maze, Gatekeepers, and lastly, Atheon itself. Throughout the raid, there are four hidden chests and 12 hidden collectibles. Collecting all four chests gives you the Temporal Caches triumph, and collecting all 12 collectibles earns you the Pearl of Glass Triumph, unlocking the Blitterpearl shader for use on all your weapons and armor.
The Plates Encounter:
Loadout Recommendations:
A void weapon for minotaur shields, a close-range special to finish off said minotaurs, and a high damage weapon to kill cyclops that spawn.
The opening encounter of the Vault of Glass raid is divided into three sides, each containing a vex plate. The objective of this encounter is to hold all three vex plates and do not let the enemies capture them. Teams split up into three groups of two, where each group defends one of the three plates. Enemies will spawn on both sides of the plate, attempting to wrestle control from you. Along with the waves of enemies, yellow bar minotaurs with void shields called Praetorians spawn. Cyclops periodically spawn in on each side and need to be taken down as soon as possible as they can one-shot you. Once the spire in the middle of the encounter is fully raised, the door to the vault opens, allowing teams to venture inside.
The First Two Secret Chests:
On your way to the Confluxes encounter, you will be able to find two secret chests. One of which is located directly past the door, and while not very secret, it does give spoils of conquest, a raid mod, and raid loot that you have already gotten (Note: If you’ve never done the raid before, you will not get raid loot as you have never gotten any before. On your next clear, you will get a raid drop from these chests). After picking up the first chest, continue along till you reach a cliff with a tunnel directly to your left. Jumping off this cliff and turning around, you will see a tunnel you can enter. Progressing through this secret passage eventually leads you to a secret chest and the confluxes encounter.
The Confluxes Encounter:
Loadout Recommendations:
Weapons that can spawn kill ads such as witherhoard and anarchy are excellent. Overload weapons help deal with overload champions along with a high-burst weapon to take out wyverns.
The second encounter of the raid features a setup similar to the previous encounter, where three teams of two defend three confluxes from the upcoming waves of enemies. At the start of the encounter, only the middle conflux is active. Adds will spawn from multiple spawn points around the map, predominately the doors on the left and right sides and the pit in the middle of the encounter. In the middle of the pit, there is a pool used to cleanse a debuff you may get during the encounter called “Marked for Negation.” This debuff is obtained from stepping in blue pools dropped by fanatics and the cleansing pool can only be used a limited number of times before it stops being useable. Periodically, the templar, a large hydra dominating the middle of the encounter, performs rituals of negation and cleanses all of those that are marked. Durring the encounter, wyverns will spawn for every active conflux. These strong enemies take a decent while to take down, and you must do so before they reach the conflux.
After the first wave is done and the conflux despawns, the templar summons its legions, which are hoards of fanatics that will try to blow you up. During this section, overload minotaurs spawn, so bringing weapons capable of stunning them is helpful. After the legions disappear, two new confluxes spawn on the left and right sides of the map, and the encounter repeats itself. After these confluxes despawn, legions come out again, and with them the overload minotaurs. Lastly, after the 2nd wave of legions, all three confluxes reappear in a final stand, and if all three are successfully defended, the encounter ends, awarding your loot.
The Oracles Encounter:
Loadout Recommendations:
For this encounter, having long range weapons to take out snipers from far away is very important. Xenophage works extremely well here because it takes one bullet to kill both the oracles and the snipers. Using a sniper or scout will do fine as well.
After completing the previous encounter, a box will appear in the middle of the arena, which is how the next encounter begins. In this next encounter, you are basically playing Simon says, where you have to shoot waves of glowing blue “oracles” in the order that they appear before they detonate. If the oracles detonate or you shoot the wrong one, your whole team is marked for negation requiring you to cleanse in the middle pool. There are seven total oracle spawns: three on the left side, three on the right side, and one in the middle near where the central conflux spawns. These are commonly numbered off as L1, L2, L3, Middle, R1, R2, and R3 however, different groups may use different call-outs.

The encounter gets more challenging as it goes on, with more oracles spawning each wave. It starts with three oracles during the first wave and adds one each wave until getting to 7 for the last. The oracles will spawn twice showing the order they appear in, and the third time they spawn is when you shoot them. Once all waves of oracles are completed, the encounter is over.
Templar Encounter:
Loadout Recommendations:
Weapons good for dealing damage such as anarchy paired with slug shotguns or snipers, sleeper simulant, deathbringer, xenophage, and many more are all viable in this encounter. You want to have one well with lunafaction boots. Everyone else should be using thundercrash, celestial nighthawk, or nova bomb for damage.
This encounter features the Aegis, a shield-shaped relic used throughout the raid. The shield’s primary functions are basic melee attacks and a cleanse ability used with the block button. The shield’s super ability is a ranged projectile used in the templar encounter to take down his shields.
The encounter begins when a player picks up the aegis. Shortly after, a wave of 3 oracles will spawn in similar to the previous encounter. Once all three oracles are destroyed. The person holding the aegis uses their super ability on the boss, taking down its shield allowing damage. As soon as this happens, the templar will attempt to teleport to one of 4 set points on the map. It is the aegis holder’s job to stand in the circle, denoting where the templar is teleporting to in order to block said teleport. Periodically throughout the damage phase, the boss will randomly detain people, requiring their teammates to break them out of detainment. Once the boss is killed, the encounter ends and players can move on to the next section.
The Gorgons Maze:
The next section of the raid, while not exactly an encounter, can cause teams issues. The Gorgons maze features special harpies called gorgons. If the gorgons spot players, a wipe mechanic is initiated, and if the gorgon isn’t killed within 5 seconds, the team is wiped and has to restart from the beginning of the maze. The best way to escape the maze is to avoid being seen entirely and make your way to the exit without being spotted at all. Scattered throughout the maze, there are three vex cubes that can be destroyed. If all three are destroyed in a single run, a secret door opens, revealing the 3rd hidden chest of the raid. Once all six players make it out of the maze, they can move on to the next area.
Jumping Puzzle:
After escaping the maze, players end up in a jumping puzzle, where platforms teleport in and out. All you need to do is follow the path of platforms down to the opposite side, and you are done. Before turning into the entrance to the throne room, there is a secret chest just outside to the left of the entrance. Make sure to get that before continuing.
Gatekeeper Encounter:
Loadout recommendations:
This weapon features mainly ad clear with enemies, including trash mobs like goblins, overload minotaurs, minotaurs with shields that require the relic to break. The best weapons to bring are a mix of ad clear focused weapons and DPS weapons to deal with the overloads and wyverns.
This encounter is the final room of the raid, with some key features. On either side of the encounter, there is a portal with a vex plate in front of it. When the plate is captured, the portal remains open and is closed when Vex Praetorians or Overload Minotaurs capture the plate. The left portal leads to Future Venus, commonly referred to as Mars or Red. The right portal leads to Venus Past, also known by the names Venus or Green. A prevalent debuff in this encounter called Teleport Destabilized happens whenever a player enters a portal with the shield. This requires players to swap who is holding the shield to bypass this debuffs timer.
As for the Gatekeeper encounter, the objective is to defend confluxes in Venus Past and Venus Future. Teams generally split up into different groups. Firstly the plate holders or the people that stay on the plates ensuring the portals remain open. Next up is the Conflux Defenders, located inside the two different timestreams and defend the conflux. Lastly, there is the Relic Holder and the floater.
At the start of the encounter, players in Venus Present kill the gatekeeper, a special Vex Hydra, and adds located in the middle of the arena. Once the gatekeeper has been killed, the plates unlock allowing the portals to be opened. The two players designated to defending the confluxes enter the portals and kill waves of adds. After three waves of adds, the fourth wave brings a wyvern to one side and a white shielded praetorian to the other. Players must communicate which side has the praetorian so the Relic Holder can enter into that timestream and help kill the minotaur. Once the Minotaur is killed, the Relic Holder drops the shield and the other player exits the portal, returning to Venus Present. After three more waves of adds, a minotaur will then spawn in the opposite portal, requiring the relic to be transported to that side. The person who now has the relic must drop it outside to the floater, and they will enter into the opposite portal to help kill the other minotaur.
While this process is happening, players in Present defend their plates from the waves of adds and overload minotaurs.
This sequence repeats six times, or until both Past and Future get three minotaurs and three wyverns. Once all six minotaurs are killed, a new conflux spawns in the middle of Venus Present, where the whole team needs to work together to defend the final conflux. To start, waves of adds will come from the front, left, and right sides. Along with these adds, shielded minotaurs spawn one at a time from each side. Starting from the front, then spawning on the right, and lastly the left side. Once all three minotaurs are killed. Wyverns will spawn similarly from the three sides, except this time all at once. Once all are killed, the encounter is completed and your loot can be acquired.
Atheon Encounter:
Loadout Recommendations:
Generally for this encounter, anarchy is king but there are plenty of other weapons that are acceptable. A player’s main damage comes from their abilities, where thundercrash, blade barrage with shards of galanor, and well with fusion grenades reign supreme. Ad clear primaries are suggested along with a sniper for oracles. However, Null Composure, the ritual fusion rifle from S14 does surprisingly good damage as well.
The final encounter of the raid takes place in the same room as the previous, with the final boss of the raid, Atheon spawning in at the start. After the initial spawn animation, waves of harpies pour out from the top of the staircase, while others spawn flying in the air on the far left and right sides (It is best to leave one of the floating harpies alive on each side to prevent more from spawning in). Soon after, Atheon will randomly teleport three people into either the past or the future. Positioned in front of these players is the relic which is needed to keep the players alive. Those that are teleported into the portal, are given a debuff called Marked by the Void, where their screen will slowly fade to black, blinding them unless they are cleansed by the relic holder. These players will run to the back of the room, where it is the safest spot to shoot the oracles that will appear shortly.
While those players are running, oracles will spawn floating in the sky of the present, and need to be called out by those that were not teleported. The oracles spawn in a three by two format, where a row of three spawn at the back of the room, and three more spawn closer. Players must call out the order and locations in which they spawn so the teleported players can shoot them on their side. Different teams use different call outs of course. The two most common call outs are calling actual positions such as front left, back right, back middle or assigning each oracle a number such as the following:

The oracles will show twice in the present, then they will appear in the room with those that have been teleported to be shot. There will be three waves of oracles that follow this pattern, and after damage phase starts.
While oracles are being called out and shot at, the other two people in Present need to focus on killing adds and opening the portal to where the other team got teleported to, left if they are in the future and right if there are in the past. During damage phase, players coming need to make sure they cleanse of the debuff as they come out of the portal, and after they can join in on damaging the boss. Players gain a debuff called times vengeance, which allows players to deal damage to the boss and greatly increases super and grenade recharge rate. This buff lasts 30 seconds. When it ends, damage phase is over and the encounter repeats itself until the boss is defeated. After the boss has been killed, loot spawns at the top of the stairs and the aegis appears as a vendor where you can spend your hard earned spoils for previously acquired loot or try your luck at caches which drop a piece of gear from a specific encounters loot pool.
Now that you know how Vault of Glass works, consider choosing us to help you out with any help you may need. We offer both recoveries and carries for the raid.
Vault of Glass Recovery:
A Vault of Glass recovery is when one of the members of our team logs on to your account to complete the raid for you. We complete all 5 encounters for you and offer add ons to get all 4 secret chests and to collect all the collectibles in the raid to unlock the Shard of Glass triumph.
Vault of Glass Carry:
A Vault of Glass carry is where you play with a member of our team. They teach you the raid and show you the best strategies to give you the best experience possible.
If you are interested in the above options, or any other Destiny 2 product, consider choosing us to be your Destiny 2 boosting service.